Am I Ready? Steps to Get to Your Real Estate License


Sometimes we wonder if we’re ready to take the next big step, especially when it’s outside our comfort zone. You know you want to do it, you want to try, but this one question keeps holding you back: “Am I Ready?” 

And when it involves making a career change, it can be all the more daunting. The question grows into, “what if I don’t succeed? What if becoming a real estate agent isn’t for me?” 

But considering you’re here right now and reading this—you’re in the exact place you need to be.


Remember Your Why

It’s almost 11 pm on a weeknight. The kids are (thankfully) fast asleep in their room. You’ve yawned for the 5th time in the last hour, but you’re determined. Determined to finish this assignment and do well next month on the real estate exam. And finally by midnight, when your head hits the pillow, you dream of all things real estate.

We know, we know. The idea of being tired is not a glamorous prospect, but consider “the why.” When we encounter problems and difficulties, we have to think of why we’ll stay motivated and continue on. 

As Dottie Herman said, “Do not let any obstacles stop you. Where there are obstacles, there are also great opportunities.”

If the idea of helping others find their dream home or the success of closing a deal makes you feel excited…embrace it! It’s that anticipation that will help you push through the noise of doubt and jump right over any obstacles. 


Take Inventory 

Many times the question of “Am I Ready?” stems from a feeling of being unprepared. Sometimes, we’re not even sure how to get started, never mind prepared.

While your ‘inventory’ is going to look different, here are some ideas on how to get started:


– Review your current schedule and how you spend your time. 

– Find ways for the pre-licensing course to fit into your schedule. (Consider your available vacation time or PTO.)

– Be aware of your budget and the overall costs of becoming a real estate agent. 

– If your current workplace is within the real estate industry, your employer might be willing to help with the costs.

– Think about who you know that would write a stellar recommendation for you. 


Again, this list will look different for everyone. Though it might be overwhelming at first, planning is always beneficial for short-term and long-term goal setting.  


And Now, The How

Now that you’ve determined what you have, you can look toward what you need. 

Your first step should be signing up for a 40-hour pre-licensing real estate course through an accredited institution. 

Luckily, Greenwood offers a 4 day, real estate licensing course that is either online or in-person. So after checking your inventory, you can decide according to your schedule what will work best. 

Here are some of the state requirements to qualify for the exam:


– Students must complete the pre-licensing course (which you’re about to sign-up for so that’s done). 

– Be at least 18 years old

– Pass a CORI background check

– Submit a complete application for the exam

– Submit a complete application for the exam including three recommendations for people not related to you. 


But don’t worry! Our certified and experienced instructors will guide you on everything you’ll need. 

With two years to pass the exam from the end of the pre-licensing course, you’ve got many opportunities to do well. Now go start your new career in real estate with a confident shout of  “I’m ready!” 

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