A Guide To Writing The Perfect Holiday Card For Your Clients

This time of the year presents an excellent opportunity for some positive outreach, networking, and the chance to simply say thank you to your clients. By doing something small, such as sending a holiday card to your clients, you can help spread goodwill and also keep your name on their minds.

In today’s blog, let’s take a brief look at writing the perfect holiday card for your clients, past and present, including why you should be sending holiday cards and a few expert-approved tips for doing so.

Why You Should Be Sending Holiday Cards To Your Clients

First of all, you should be sending holiday cards to your clients because it’s the right thing to do. Keeping yourself client-focused is one of the best ways to spread positivity throughout the holiday season and let your clients know that you are thinking of them, even when not working closely with them.

Secondly, real estate is a massive word-of-mouth type of business. By reaching out to past clients regularly, you’re also promoting yourself as an agent with their best interests at heart. When your clients trust you, the value you bring, and your kindness, they are more likely to recommend you to their friends and family.

5 Tips For Creating Your Holiday Card

Not sure where to start when it comes to crafting the perfect holiday card? No sweat! We’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll find 5 tips for writing and sending a personalized holiday card that will surely make its way onto refrigerator doors everywhere.

1. Use High-Quality Material

Don’t skimp out on the card’s makeup. Every piece of print marketing that comes with your name should be placed upon premium material, such as high-quality cardstock. Doing so further shows clients the amount of thought and care put into their holiday cards instead of being seen as an afterthought.

2. Keep Your Message Brief, But Sincere

Attention spans are pretty limited these days. And we’re sure that you have a busy schedule to keep up with alongside preparing holiday cards for your clients. As such, it’s best practice to keep your greetings short, but of course, sincere.

3. Be Respectful Of All Cultures

Unless you know that your clients celebrate a certain holiday during the season, it’s best to keep your cards as holiday-neutral as possible. Doing this retains the sincerity and positivity of your message without the risk of offending your clients or their families (which, you know, is not great).

4. Personalize Your Cards

This is essential. While it’s certainly acceptable to follow a basic template when it comes to writing your holiday greeting cards, it’s important to make sure that you’re personalizing as much as possible without sacrificing too much time. Again, this just shows your clients that you have put a decent amount of thought into your cards. 

And for the love of Pete, make sure that names are spelled correctly!

5. Start Writing Early

Just like holiday shopping, it’s best to get started on your cards early. Budgeting just a few moments of your daily schedule to getting your holiday cards planned out a few months in advance can avoid cramming as the holidays approach.

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