A Day in the Life of a Real Estate Agent


Before officially deciding whether real estate is a career you would want to pursue, you might be wondering what a typical work day in the life of a real estate agent looks like. Unlike other professions such as doctors, teachers, baristas, etc. the daily activities of real estate agents are not publicly viewed. This is largely due to the amount of freedom that agents experience. Keep reading to find out what a typical work day in the life of a real estate agent might look like. 



Real estate agents are able to make their own schedule, in theory, but this factor is also largely dependent on your clients. Although you may be a morning person who prefers to spring out of bed at 5 a.m. and get all your work done in the first five hours of the day, your clients will likely not want to schedule a viewing at 8 a.m. For this reason, real estate agents often find themselves having more free time in the morning. Clients may not be able to meet you until after they get out of work or on their lunch break. 


Successful real estate agents typically aim to schedule around eight to ten viewing appointments per day. In the morning you’ll want to review all these appointments, making sure that there is adequate travel time in between. You might also want to call or email clients to confirm their appointment, allowing you to anticipate a cancellation and schedule with someone else instead. As an agent, you run your entire schedule, but you also are responsible for maintaining appointments and filling your daily quota when someone cancels. 


You could also use this free time to keep organized or do any ‘paperwork’ that you may be responsible for. This can include researching new properties to show or ironing out details among clients. 



This is likely the time of day when your scheduled viewings will occur. In preparation for a showing, many agents will arrive about 20 minutes prior to the showing time, just to allow for any last minute preparations. The duration of a showing will depend on how much your clients like the place! If they fall in love and insist on buying it on the spot, the viewing may take longer as you proceed with next steps. If they walk in and instantly see a few deal breakers, you may not even make it through the tour. 


Between showings you can utilize the time to confirm upcoming client appointments and answer any emails or messages you may have received. You can also use this time to grab some lunch or coffee! 



The evening is when all your showings will wrap up. Somewhere around 5 to 7 p.m., your schedule will clear and you’ll have the chance to go home and enjoy some dinner, spend time with family, and do all the usual evening activities. As someone who makes their own schedule, however, working late may not be an infrequent occurrence. Even an hour or so can allow for a more organized and successful following day. 


Your day will likely be heavily dependent on your habits and preferences as a person, optimized for maximum productivity and success. 


Although some aspects of being a real estate agent can be stressful to maintain, operating on your own schedule is ideal for people who struggle with the traditional 9 to 5 office schedule. Being allowed the freedom to attend important life activities such as doctor’s visits, birthdays, and vacations is a huge perk to making your own schedule. As an agent, your success largely depends on your work ethic and dedication to the job. 


If having the flexibility, independence, and growth opportunity of working in real estate is appealing to you, check out Greenwood Real Estate School and begin your journey towards a career in real estate. 

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