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As Online Shopping Continues to Dominate, Some Retail Chains Experiment Bloomingdale’s, the 160-year-old luxury department store chain, is joining several other national retail chains in experimenting with much smaller versions of their stores that feature heavily curated merchandise — an apparent effort to compete amid the rise of online shopping. The COVID-19 pandemic changed many consumer behaviors, including

Leaving Commercial Real Estate for Residential Has Its Benefits With COVID-19 still ravaging society, many people are reconsidering their careers. This Great Pause is allowing professionals across all industries to take a step back and think to themselves, “Is this what I really want to be doing with my life?” When it comes to commercial real estate agents,

How Will COVID-19 Hurt Commercial Real Estate & the Banks Backing Their Holdings? The past decade has seen a remarkable rise in our economy as a whole. Almost every industry has seen massive gains, both in the spreadsheets and in the stock market. However, with the onset of coronavirus back in March, a high level of uncertainty

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